Friday, January 11, 2008

The Complete Jane Austen Series

Starting this Sunday, January 13, Masterpiece Theater's The Complete Jane Austen will be running on PBS through March. The lit geek in me is coming out, but modern literature owes so much to Ms. Austen's genius. Her works have become some of the most loved, discussed, and re-adapted oeuvres in the history of English lit. Even if you've never picked up a book of hers, her influence seeps into modern culture- Clueless (based on Emma), You've Got Mail (loosely based on the ideas found in Pride & Prejudice), not to mention countless other remakes of Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, Emma, and Pride & Prejudice). The series will feature new adaptations of "Mansfield Park," "Northanger Abbey," "Persuasion," and "Sense & Sensibility," as well as "Emma" with Kate Beckinsale and "Pride & Prejudice" with Colin Firth (swooooon!). So, something for everyone.

I know it might look 'boring' to some of you, but don't knock it until you try it. Believe me, I don't like period pieces either. But when you read/watch her works, you realize just how much of the modern day stuff you read and see are influenced by the words she wrote hundreds of years ago. In the very least, check out the classic '95 adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice" (airing 2/10-2/24), which made women everywhere want to be Mrs. Colin Firth. Join the millions of Austen-ites who have fallen in love with her works. Love, love, love! Oh, and you're welcome.


Julia Park said...

Jane Austen = <3333

Anonymous said...

ahhh yes...looking forwarded to the famous colin firth/mr. darcy wet shirt scene in p&p!! ohh how i love austen :)

songhyunah said...

the one that originally aired on bbc?..

Unknown said...

Hiii Jen, so I clicked on your link when I was on gmail. What is this 4-person blog deal? Anyway, I remember reading Jane Austen in early HS and had no idea what I was reading. I even read Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Far from the Madding Crowd, (forget the author) which were similar period pieces.

I saw Pride & Prejudice last year and finally saw what I missed out on. It's a shame we read the classics when young and have no appreciation for them. Not until much later, if we ever even revisit the classics. Anyway.... I, too, would love to be Mrs. Colin Firth.