Friday, November 2, 2007

Secret Santa 2.0

No matter how much you want to deny it, Christmas is only a Thanksgiving hurdle away. And for those of us who don't want to sell a kidney to afford presents for our friends, a secret santa is usually the way to go.

A site that my friends and I have successfully used to setup our secret santas is Elfster.
Elfster is like the Facebook of secret santa websites. The site automatically picks names (you can even rig it so certain people don't get each other), you can create wishlists, and ask anonymous questions to your secret-santa-person (or to anyone, for that matter).

As this will be our third year using the website, my friends and I can definitely vouch for its awesomeness.


Anonymous said...

Hi Yuri,

Thanks for the great post about Elfster. We are flattered you would refer to Elfster as "the Facebook of secret santa", but what is really interesting is that at about the time you made the post we began testing the Elfster Facebook Edition. It works along side the main site so changes you make in the facebook application are reflected in the main site and vise versa. Check it out...

Happy gifting from your friends at Elfster
