Thursday, May 29, 2008

30 Things to do Before You're 30 (part 1)

30. Learn Korean.
While I was half asleep in the back of some conference once, I heard some guy say that it will be essential for the future business leaders to know at least one Asian language. Very true Asian dude. Also, if you live in the USA/Western Hemisphere, learn to speak Spanish.

29. Learn French
French is roughly the 10th most spoken language in the world but is number one in helping you get a date. Even faking the accent is good enough sometimes.

28. Drive Stick
My mom thinks that manual is an ancient technology and will slowly go the way of the dinosaurs. Mayhaps, or maybe only the cool kids are doing it. Am I that insecure? YES!

27. Learn to Dance
Yes, I am Latino. No, I do not know how to dance. Thing is, rhythm doesn't come naturally to me (watch me try to clap in rhythm if you ever want to have fun). However, as a young boy I was smitten by the GAP commercial in which everyone is swing dancing. I want to jump and hang in the air for a couple of seconds while the camera does the Matrix effect too!

26. Learn to Cook
This is more of a survival thing. I kid you not, I did not bring a single utensil or plate to college and I was not on the meal plan. Eating out everyday (HA!) gets expensive. I'd like to think that in the near future I could feed myself without depending on a Pizzeria. I just hope I don't set the house on fire in the process.


Unknown said...

A lot of people seem to be doing this. I guess I should start my own list, too!

Anonymous said...

29. Learn French
French is roughly the 10th most spoken language in the world but is number one in helping you get a date. Even faking the accent is good enough sometimes.

truer words could not have been said.

Unknown said...

i need to get started on mine..

Anonymous said...

It's going to be awhile to think of 30 things. I'm with you with the dancing. Let's Dance!