Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Screenshot of the Day: Oh Really??

Taking cue from SNL's Weekend Update:

John McCain and his VP running mate Sarah Palin are currently running ad campaigns that include their favorite slogan, "The Original Mavericks."

OH REALLY?? The ORIGINAL MAVERICKS? Um, wasn't the original maverick someone named Samuel MAVERICK?


Jen Shin said...

"all the mavericks in the house put your hands up
all the mavericks in the house put your hands up
all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up
all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up"

hahaha, my favorite part of that SNL rap.

Anonymous said...

The last time I heard 'maverick' and didn't wince was when that Mel Gibson/Jodie Foster movie came out.

I wish they would just stop.