Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Facebook, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways...

The Economist: 30,739
Ragdoll Laser Dodge: 934,912
Pong: 7,160
Scrabulous Record: 26-13

If you've never heard of the first three games (shame on you for not knowing pong) they are part of the cheap yet ridiculously addictive games offered by the Mindjolt application. Scrabulous is of course scrabble via facebook.

Between Mindjolt Games and Scrabulous, Facebook is slowly trying to take over all time in the internet. If facebook, google, and yahoo fantasy sports ever merged, I think that would be it for me.


Julia Park said...

Ah .. sadly, I don't seem to have the time to play Scrabulous as I did a month or so ago :(

Your stats are siick, son!

Unknown said...

Rag doll is mine ^_^ the other game just plain out suks arsh