Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Hills with James Franco and Mila Kunis

There are a lot of things I love that I find hard to defend. Britney, glitter (the shiny stuff, not the Mariah Carey movie), cheesy plain-bad romantic comedies, the Hills. Seriously, these girls do nothing but go out to Les Deux every other night and have 'fake' drama, but there's something about the show that keeps me glued to the TV every Monday night. And any other night MTV chooses to repeat it, which I might add, is a lot. This clip from aptly summarizes the show. It's pretty hilarious, and it's exactly what every other scene on the Hills is like- awkward pauses, hair twirling, girls being annoying girls, guys being douche bag guys, the absolute mundane-ness of life covered in the glitz of the LA scene. In other words, I LOVE it. Haha.


Anonymous said...

even though it's just a wig, james franco did not look hot with it. gross. didn't even notice it was him :(

Anonymous said...

heh, i like how the comedy was subtle jab at the show and not completely over the top.

great vid