Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Project Runway: The Art World

Sarah Jessica Parker's production company is working on a new arts-world competition show, in conjunction with the same people who brought us Bravo's Project Runway. The new show would be about artists competing in art challenges, like painting, photography, and sculpting, and at the end of the season, ultimately crown one of them as the 'best artist.'

I love me some Project Runway. I really like competition-based reality shows. Lord knows I love art. But this show sounds like a doozy. First of all, there is nothing more subjective than art. Bad art is awesome to some people, "great" art is not so awesome to other people. And to have artists produce such a wide range of art forms is a little much. You know, a designer designs dresses and a cook cooks food. It's not like a photographer does industrial design and vice versa or whatever. Or maybe they do, artists are crazy. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I also don't think mainstream America is going to get this show. I still think most of America is a little bit behind in what makes something good (why do you think so many quality shows are low-rated and so many great pictures never make the weekend Box Office Top 5?). Hmmm. I am very interested to see how this show will play out, both in creativity and with the general American audience. Don't let me down, SJP!


Anonymous said...

Ohh, that is a very pretty photo of SJP . .and the show sounds interesting; I'd check it out fo sho :D

Zhivago3 said...

Exactly who are they getting to judge these people, God? I mean really, if there were ever something that couldn't be judged....

songhyunah said...

i really like art and i really like america's next top x shows. but i'm not too sure i'm going to like this show