Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ten Things I Learned At The Republican Debate

10. Mitt Romney knows his economics so Senator McCain would be wise to change the subject quickly.

9. "Tax Cuts" is the new "Don't Tase Me Bro"

8. John McCain is not only tough as nails on the War in Iraq, his jaw must be strong enough to rip the nails out if need be.

7. Fake expressions all around! The Huckabee Grin, McCain Smile, The Romney Smirk. Not Ron Paul though who gave you the sincerest scowl you'll ever see all night long.

6. Anderson Cooper was a douchebag to Ron Paul.

5. The reconstructed former Air Force One plane behind the candidates was distracting. It was like trying to figure out how they put the ship in the bottle.

4. You can't get enough Ronald Reagan references in as long as the debate is held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

3. Rudy Giuliani sure was quiet...

2. The candidates were asked if they would have selected Sandra Day O'Connor. They each answered that they would have selected someone who follows the law more strictly and didn't try interpret it. Yea, O'Connor. How dare you try to interpret the law/do the job that you were assigned to!

1. And the winnner is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Still initimidating enough to scare the candidates into agreeing with his green energy plan.


Zhivago3 said...

Ron Paul is a douche bag -- yay Anderson.
I dunno about you, but Republicans seems to be de-evolving. They get weirder and weirder and...

Anonymous said...

I guess it makes sense that rudy was quiet since he ended up dropping out soon after.

That florida plan didn't really work for him