Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yesterday, I had a conversation with one of the fourth graders that I tutor. He asked me if I remembered the twin towers. I told him that I did remember and how different and weird it was not seeing the towers in the skyline during the months that followed 9/11. He then told me that it was because of all those Muslims that tried to kill us. I told him I didn't know what 9/11 was really about, but it was not Islam. He then asked me if it was true that Muslims wanted to kill us all. I told him no, and explained that the deplorable actions of a few individuals should not be used to scapegoat an entire religion.

Wow. I'm really not sure if I got through to him. All I kept thinking as he was talking was, "Holy crap, what are we teaching these kids?" They have no real recollection of what happened and honestly, my 10 minute explanation is not enough. I pray for a little more perspective for this world.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see what the history textbooks will have to say about 9/11.

Vicki Loo said...

daaaaannng history repeats itself - i mean, look at what china taught its children about Japan for all those years.