Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vitaminwater 10

Ok, here's my cranky old lady complaint of the day. Glaceau has been working overtime promoting their new line of low calorie Vitaminwater, called Vitaminwater 10. It's actually pretty good stuff, and since regular Vitaminwater has an average of 150 calories per bottle, you can get the Vitaminwater feel without drinking up your daily caloric intake. But, this is my problem with their whole campaign and brand label. Yes, they do make it clear that Vitaminwater 10 has only 10 calories per serving. But do you know how many servings are in a bottle? 2.5. Who drinks a third of their drink?? Yes, I know 25 calories is still little, my point of contention isn't that. It's just, I wish companies were a bit more realistic in their servings estimate, instead of breaking things down like that and misleading people. And yeah, a serving size is usually 1 cup which is how they get that breakdown to begin with, but honestly, a serving size should be the entire bottle. GRR.

But I will say this, the new low calorie Snapple juice drinks, in particular the Kiwi Pear, are AWESOME. And it's only 20 calories, and Snapple gets bonus points for not proclaiming that anywhere on the bottle or as a major selling point in campaigns to entice consumers. Thumbs up, Snapple.


sang said...

22 cents snapple at Walgreens! .. it might have passed though..