Wednesday, November 18, 2009

People's Sexiest Man Alive 2009

Aaaand the coveted title goes to.. Johnny Depp?? Do not get me wrong, I too am a fan of Mr. Depp, but.. he hasn't really done much in the past year, no? The title usually goes to someone who is HOT as well as been in the spotlight for the year. But.. Whatever. My pick for Sexiest Man (ever...) Robert Pattinson, made the cut, as well as Ryan Reynolds, the cast of Glee (gleeeeee!!!), and uber hottie John Cho. YES. As a hot blooded female I love this annual issue of People.

Over at Best Week Ever, my favorite blogger Michelle Collins analyzes the Top 15 in her usual hilarious way. She laments the fact that her favorite, Mad Men's Jon Hamm, failed to make the cut, so she rates each of People's picks with... Hamms. It's pretty hilarious. She also gets major points from me for acknowledging the HOTNESS of Daniel Henney, who didn't make People's cut, but we both think he is a Hottie McHottie. Yeaaaa boyeeee!


Julia Park said...

Michelle Collins FTW. I love the Hamm rating system, it totally made me lol, especially when she rated people with half a Hamm :D

And seriously, WTF (why the face?), why didn't RPattz take #1?? He soo deserved it. People mag needs to get with the times!

(I also think that Taylor Lautner deserved to be in the list :P)