Thursday, December 20, 2007

Have Yourself a Green Christmas

During Christmas time, it's hard to think about anything but consumerism and waste. But if you want to try to do something a little green this year (and save yourself some green, as well), how about wrapping your Christmas gifts with items you have lying around your house?

Common items like supermarket paper bags and newspapers make for unique gift wrap that stand out in a pile of generic holiday paper.

This year, Julia wrapped all her gifts with paper bags and twine (pictured), giving the gifts a clean, parcel-like feel to it.

I, on the other hand, went for a more... creative approach by using a Sunday edition of the Record and sharpies to decorate all of my gifts (pictured below). I specifically picked certain pages for each item, whether because it fit the gift receiver, or it gave hints as to what was inside.

It has a more, how do you say, artsy, feel to it. Traditionalists may think Julia's look nicer, but as the author of this post, I have the authority to say that mine rocks out much harder.


Julia Park said...

My gifts look so sexy :)
I can't wait to give people their gifts! Although they might take forever to admire my wrapping skillz.

Anonymous said...

lol, love the newspaper idea

Jannie said...

i like them both equally. ;)